Local New : Valentine's day is not celebrated by Islams but only Christians.
14th of February, is the date for couples to celebrate Valentine's Day every year. They go out for dinner to celebrate and exchanged gift to show their sincerely. But this celebration has be say as celebrate Valentine's Day is immoral activities. This movement is however disagreed by the SIS, (Sister In Islam). It is sad to say Valentine's Day is not celebrated by Islam but only Christian.
In August last year, Nasrudin said that Valentine’s Day and New Year celebrations were among the major causes of baby dumping in Malaysia as both occasions had encouraged liberal socialising and free sex. Because of this reason making them wanted to against Valentine's Day?
I am not agree that they banned Valentin's Day. This celebration has been carried so many years, we should keep on going to celebrate this special day to continuation of human's love.
International New: Finally.
The President of Egypt finally decided to stepped down on Thursday, but had"no specific word" he will do so, the CIA Director Leon Panetta said. The chaos has finally coma to an end. The residents of Egypt have been celebrating in the streets after the announcement of President Hosni Mubarak's resignation but some of the Egyptian who supported Mubarak seems to be very disappointed. Hope their country will be lead by a good leader and no more protest or chaos to have a peace for everyday life.